HEC Introduces Short Courses To University Students
- Thursday, June 7, 2012, 6:56
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Islamabad, The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in coordination with Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, the Oscar Award winner for film ‘Saving Faces’ has determined to organize short courses to the university students. These short courses will build awareness about violence and hatred against females.
In the beginning, the se courses will be offered to university students getting education in Southern Punjab higher education institutions (HEI). Then these courses will be offered to the students getting education in other parts of the country. The courses will help the youth for creation of awareness about violence and hatred against various issues of women folk living in Southern Punjab and get rid of the nuisance behavior against women.
The Higher Education Commission in collaboration of Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS) has decided to increase technical maintenance for imparting short courses and other programs to alleviate violence and hatred against humanity.
The IUCPSS is first inter university consortium in the country being framed by nine high standard universities of Pakistan. The main objective of the program to develop university based community relations and connections. To get educated the youth studying in universities, we will be able to avail a chance about varying characteristics of this rapidly growing social evil and its bad results on the female member of the society.
Executive Director of HEC, Sohail Naqvi explained that HEC has started concerned materials for the documentary and its shooting also in the beginning of July.
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