HEC revised Entrance admissions test policy 2016


Higher Education Commission instructed the universities to conduct the admission test of their candidates at their own. HEC asked them to bring back their old system for grant of admission at the higher level of education. It is further said that the universities are not compulsory to conduct the admission test of the candidates and arrange the Graduate Assessment Test for grant of admission in the MPhil and PhD classes at their own. Now the universities are not under stress to get the admission test done by any private department.

The spokesperson of HEC said that higher education commission has directed the universities to manage the entrance test of GAT and other tests at their own instead of conducting the admission entrance test through NTS to grant admission to the students in the higher education. HEC also gave an emphasis on the students that they are not compulsory to appear in the entrance test and the private universities are also not compulsory to receive the candidates, who pass the entrance test by any other private department. The candidates also expressed their confusion over the GAT test, which is conducted by the NTS.

Lahore High Court passed a judgment in march 2014 according to the while the NTS tests are illegal and HEC should stop getting the tests of the students, who want to get admission in the higher classes in HEC recognized universities. The universities should hold their own entry tests for the MPhil and PhD classes. The tests should be stopped till such department, which set up under proper regulations.

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