How the NAT Study is Valid?
- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 11:04
- NAT National Aptitude Test, NTS
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Validity of NAT Study by the Director of Assessment and Institutional Research, Dr Douglas Trimble
Forman Christian College University
At Forman Christian College, we see by comparing the NAT to the SAT (in the USA) that it fares very well. With the first year GPA (FYGPA), it correlates .36, which is same as the SAT .35. The NAT does appear to have good predictive validity, despite the lack of systematic predictive validity analysis of the NAT. Korbin, Patterson, Shaw, Mattern, and Barbuti (2008) because SAT and high school GPA correlate only .28, concluded that they appear to be measuring distinct aspects of academic promise and from both valuable information can be yielded. With the NAT, same appears to be the case, which with the composite BISE total only correlates .27, and thus both BISE and NAT are helpful.
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