How To Join Pak Army after Graduation for Females & Girls 2016
- Wednesday, December 30, 2015, 11:27
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Pakistan Army starts the commission for the female and girls in its various cores and departments. The female candidates can know the information and the basic requirement to get commission in Pak army. The girl candidates pass their graduate exams and they can apply through sending their application forms. They need to know the basic requirement and the eligibility criteria of the candidates. The female candidates have to fulfill all necessary requirements. They can download the application forms from the official website and send it online after completing it. The candidates should take great care while incorporating the real information and documents as the fake and wrong information can lead to their ineligibility for grant of commission in Pak army. The selected candidates will be given commission in their Lady Cadet Course. They need to know that there are different courses, in which the female candidates have to apply and they can become part of Pak army after passing all these tests including academic test, intelligence test, medical fitness test and the interviews.
Join Pak Army as Captain Through Lady Cadet Course (LCC-11):
The female candidates, who are willing to join Pak army, they can pass these exams and they can Pak army as captain in the Lady Cadet Course. The Pak army has also introduced various courses in Pak army. The female candidates need to know different cadet courses and they can apply for any specific field and can process further. In the medical field, there are already female cadets are appoints as lady doctors. Now the female cadets are inducted in Pak army in the engineering department, supply and other departments. The complete information regarding appointment in the Pak army as captain, are given below for the female candidates and they need to read them and understand the requirements, which are shared with the students to follow them at the time of submitting their application forms and passing through the whole procedure.
- Eligibility Conditions:
The candidates, who are committed to join Pak army, they need to know the eligibility conditions, which are necessary for the students to know and follow them. If the female candidates fulfill all requirements, they need to join Pak army and serve the country. When they understand the whole criteria to join Pak army, they need to follow it and apply for grant of commission in Pak army. The female candidates can read it carefully and they follow them to know about the complete process & they have to pass through this whole procedure.
Category of Selection:
Pak army has initiated the process for grant of commission to the female candidates in pak army. They launched the lady cadet course and allowed the female candidates to send their application forms and appear in the academic, intelligence and medical test. The commission to the female candidates in Pak army is classified into six categories and they can send their application forms after completing their graduation.
- Corps of Engineers (Engrs):
The female candidates can apply for commission in the Corps of Engineers. They can send their application forms to join Pak army after completing their graduation. The female candidates must have to provide all necessary information at the time of applying for commission.
- BE – Civil Engineering
- BE – Architectural Engineering
- BE – Town Planning Engineering
When the female candidates fill their application forms, they need to provide complete information about their qualification, which are necessary for the Corps of Engineers, which are mentioned above.
- Corps of Signals (Sigs):
In the second category, the female candidates can apply for commission in Pakistan army in the Corps of Signals. The female candidates can get complete information to get commission in Pak army in the signals.
- BE – Telecommunication Engineering
The female candidates, who possess the qualification of BE in Telecommunication Engineering, they can be commission in the Corps of Signals.
- Army Services Corps (ASC):
Pak army also grants commission to the female candidates in its Army Services Corps, in which the candidates can apply for grant of commission after completing their graduation. The required qualification for the commission is given for the information of the female candidates.
- MSc in Petroleum Engineering
The female candidates, who are willing to join Pak army in the Army Services Corps, they must have the postgraduate degree in the discipline of Petroleum Engineering. All of the candidates with the same qualification, they need to send their application forms and they know the eligibility criteria to get commission in Pak army.
- Corps of Ordnance (Ord):
Female candidates can send their application forms, if they want to get commission in the Corps of Ordnance. The candidates, who fulfill the required education qualification, they send apply for commission in Pak army.
- BE / BSc – Textile Engineering
The female candidates, who want to appear in the test to get commission in the Pak army in its Corps of Ordnance, they must have the educational qualification of BE/BSc in Textile Engineering.
- Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (EME):
The female candidates, who are committed to get commission in Pak army in its Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, and they need to fulfill the required qualification for their appointment in the given corps.
- BE – Electrical / Electronics
- BE – Mechatronics / Avionics
- BE – Computer Engineering
The female candidates, who possess such qualification, they can apply for grant of commission in Pak army in the Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
- Information & Computer Technology Officers (ICTO):
When the female candidates are offered the commission in Pak army under the Lady Cadet Course, they can also send their application forms for Information and Computer Technology Officers. The female candidates can apply for commission after fulfilling the educational requirements in Pak army.
- BE Computer Engineering
- B.E / BCS in Computer Software / Computer System and Geo Informatics
- MCS / Master in Computer Engineering
- Master in Software Engineering
- MS (IS). Geographical Information System (GIS) & Remote Sensing
The female candidates, who want to get commission in Pak army, they need to read the information, which are necessary for grant of commission under Lady Cadet Course. The candidates need to read the complete information and the basic criteria, which is needed for the students and they can fulfill these requirements at the time of joining Pak army.
Common Features:
The common features about the qualification of the candidates are mentioned below. The candidates must fulfill these common features, so that the candidates can become eligible to apply for grant of commission in Pak army. The female candidates must read these common features in their education, which are given below for their information.
- Min CGPA 2.5 out of 4 or Min 62.5% Marks in annual system.
- The candidates having M.Phil / MS / MSc, they will be given preference.
- No 3rd Division or Grade D is acceptable and only one 2nd Division / Grade C throughout the academic career is acceptable.
- Candidates, who have done graduation from HEC / PEC recognized universities or foreign universities recognized by HEC, are eligible.
- Candidates, who completed their education as private candidate, are not eligible.
Required Age:
The female candidates, who are going to apply for commission in Pak army, they have specific age limit to meet for grant of commission in Pak army.
- 28 Years – if the candidates have better qualification and experience, then their age can be relaxed up to 35 years on the recommendation of GHQ selection board.
Marital Status:
The female candidates must be unmarried at the time of apply for commission in Pakistan army and the candidates must have minimum graduate degree in their qualification.
- Female candidate must be Pakistani.
- The female candidates, who have the domiciled of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit Baltistan, are also eligible to apply.
- If any candidate has dual nationality, he has to surrender foreign nationality at the time of getting commission in Pak army.
Minimum Height:
- Female Candidates 5’. 2” (157.5 cm)
- According to Body Mass Index
- 3.5 Maximum (Near / Far Vision)
Ineligibility Conditions:
The female candidates, who want to get commission in Pak army and they need to know the eligibility conditions, which can allow them to become part of pak army. The female candidates also need to know about the ineligibility conditions, which are necessary for them to know, which do not allow them to get commission or eliminate them from the selection of the commission process in Pak army.
- The female candidate must have higher qualification to make it eligible even if she is twice rejected by ISSB for Graduate Course or equivalent Naval / PAF Courses.
- The female candidate with specific qualification can be eligible, who is rejected once by ISSB for Graduate Course or equivalent Naval / PAF Courses or he is rejected for specific higher qualification entry, and he will not be eligible for third time.
- If the female candidate is declared UNFIT by Appeal Medical Board permanently.
- The female candidate is declared medically unfit due to Hepatitis B & C (Appeal Medical Board cannot be requested).
- If the female candidates are declared medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital except those female candidates, who have been cleared by Appeal Medical Board.
- The female candidates, who are withdrawn from any Academy / Training Institution of Armed Forces on any ground
- The female candidates, who are withdrawn from any bonded Armed Forces college / institution on disciplinary grounds
- Female candidates, who are dismissed / removed / debarred from Govt. Service including Armed Forces.
- The female candidates, who are convicted in a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
Registration Procedure:
When the job opportunities in Pak army are announced for the female candidates, they need to get registered themselves in any center. They need to follow the proper procedure for their registration and they will get their roll number slips to appear in the academic test and the female candidates have to bring this roll number slip at the time of test.
- The female candidate can register herself online using internet, and after registration of the candidates, the complete schedule of test will be sent on the email account of the candidate.
- The female candidates can also appear physically in AS&RCs selection centre and show their relevant documents and prospectus fee.
Selection Procedure:
The female candidates can get complete information about the selection procedure and they know it in different steps and you can understand this procedure easily.
- Written/Intelligence Tests:
The female candidates appear in professional written / Intelligence tests, which is based on multiple choice questions and it will be conducted at AS&RCs. - Preliminary Medical Tests:
The female candidates will appear in initial medical test at AS&RCs. - Physical Tests:
Female candidates to qualify in 1.6 KM run in 14 Minutes. - ISSB Tests:
Short-listed candidates will receive intimation to appear in the ISSB tests and they will be informed through website as well as call letters. - Further Selection:
the female candidates have to appear in the detailed Medical examination after passing ISSB test, which will be held at nearby CMHs. The female candidates, who have pass their ISSB test and medical examination, they will be called for interview by GHQ Selection Board at the nearest station located at Quetta, Karachi, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi and Peshawar. GHQ will do the final selection of the female candidates on the basis of candidates overall performance.
Training Period:
When the female candidates are selected, then they will appear for the training period according to the given detail:
- 6 Months training at PMA
Documents Required:
The female candidates need to provide the required documents at AS&RCs, which is given below and the students need to know what sort of documents to attach with the application forms.
- The female candidates attach original certificates / detailed Marks Sheets with two attested photocopies of each educational certificate / degree / diploma with application forms.
- The female candidates, who are serving in Govt. Institutions / Departments will render No Objection Certificate of the concerned department or institution.
- Attested photocopy of domicile
- Photocopy of Computerized National Identity Card issued by NADRA
- 6 x colored photos duly attested (front and back).
- Crossed postal order of Rs.100.00 in favor of Director General Personal Administration (DGPA), GHQ Rawalpindi
Job Agreement After Selection:
When the students read their selection procedure, they will also sign the agreement that they will serve in Pak army for minimum 7 years. The agreement will start on the successful completion of the basic military training at PMA Kakul.
You can join Pak Army.
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