How will you say and what will you say?
- Saturday, September 24, 2011, 9:07
- Study Abroad, Study in USA
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When ever you visit the US embassy to give interview then always speak clearly. When you think that you are not 100% comfortable in English then try to speak slowly. Answer all questions politely in short sentences and can also add clarification if needed but do not argue. When ever you think that the things are going bad against you then always listen to the counselor’s concerns. The best thing is that you should address all the concerns and return the few days later that are better then argue.
Sometimes when he is expressing doubts whether you have all the required items but its better that satisfy his all doubts with the help of your items or much better if you return another day. When ever a person likes you then it means that there is always a greater chance that he is giving you with the help of his positive results. Then the best thing is to give smile and be pleasant and always explain yourself clearly and also provide all the answers in a non-combative tone.
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