Income Tax Group CSS Pakistan
Income Tax Department is the wing of the Revenue Division (CBR) dealing with the collection of direct taxes, i.e. Income Tax and Wealth Tax. Very few people know about the specialized nature of the income tax work and the dedication and the hard work it demands. In recent times, there has been a lot of attention on the financial services in the structure of civil bureaucracy. Revenue collection is, by its very nature, an important job and with the ever diminishing foreign aid, the importance of tax collection is now being appreciated by everyone.
Income Tax Department is in the throes of change these days. The business processes, procedures and hierarchy is being remodeled to change the Department to a tax friendly, responsive and efficient organization. This restructuring also involves the reengineering of recruitment process, there is also focus on the implementation of information technology.
The Central Board of Revenue is probably the first government department to have a full-fledged Human Resource Wing with a senior person, of the level of member, heading it. There is considerable focus on evaluating the in vogue business procedures, infact, the present restructuring is aimed at a complete re-engineering of the business process of revenue collection. In a few years time, this Department will have evolved into an efficient tax friendly organization with a lean but highly trained and motivated workforce.
As a part of this strategy, model tax offices have been created at Karachi and Lahore for one or two classes of taxpayers. Further reforms will take into account, the experience gained during the operation of these pilot projects etc. As can be inferred from the focus and emphasis on the restructuring of the Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments, the Government is committed to bring about a positive change in the way the taxpayer and the tax collector interact and perceive each other.
Already there are indications that the Income Tax Group has moved up to number 2 or 3 in the priority list of the candidates aspiring to enter the prestigious civil service of Pakistan.
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