Instruction about Shading or Filling the Circles
- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:22
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
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- Against single question, the shading or filling of two answers is wrong, which will be marked Zero.
- Near answer circle or anywhere on the answer sheet, the over writing and cutting will distract the readability and in the specific answer circle, the answer may be marked ZERO.
- To shade or fill the circles, only use blue or black ball pen.
- As two blank sheets for rough work are placed inside the question booklet, so do not bring any other stationary item including rough or extra sheets.
- It will be illegal and subject to disciplinary action, if use of any other material that is not provided by NTS is found.
- On the front title of the question booklet, except NAME, ROLL NUMBER and SIGN, before attempting the questions, do not write anything else on the question booklet.
- Do not attempt to tear or remove any page from question booklet because after the test is over, the question booklet will be taken back. Keeping any part of it is not allowed by anyone.
- About the content of the questions, do not ask the invigilation staff. To explain or correct any question in the paper, they are not allowed to do so. To determine the erroneous questions and adjust accordingly, the checking system has that capability.
- To sign the attendance sheet, brought to her/him by the invigilators, is required for every candidate. After the attendance is completed, the roll number slips will also be collected by the same staff.
- Till you leave the test center premises, you are bound to NTS discipline rules.
- You will be disqualified from the test, if any disturbance in any way is caused by you and against such attempts; the NTS reserves the rights to carry out legal action.
At any stage, if the activities of the candidates are found against the discipline, the chief supervisor has complete authority to cancel any paper.
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