Inter Part 1 Science Subjects New Marks
- Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 9:53
- BISE, BISEDGKHAN - Dera Ghazi Khan, News
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DG Khan, The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education DG Khan has announced that the candidates who are going to appear in the intermediate Part I exams this year, their Physics, Chemistry and Biology papers will carry 100 marks each.
According to the details of the announcement, the Intermediate part I candidates will appear in the Pre-Medical or Pre-Engineering exams, their Biology, Physics and Chemistry papers will be carried with 100 marks in each subject. They will appear in the Intermediate Part II in 2014 in the same pattern and they will have not to be appeared in the practical papers of these subjects as the practical paper questions will be included in their subjective papers.
On the other side, if the candidates, who appeared in the Intermediate Part I exams during 2011 and passed the exams or if any student, who has supply in the previous exams and he is going to appear in the exams or any student, who wants to improve his marks or division, they will have to appear in the practical papers of these subjects. The board will also mention on their roll number slips separately.
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