International Relations CSS Past Paper 2012


CSS International Relations Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.

Competitive Examination For
Recruitment To Posts in Bs-17
Under The Federal Government,2012


1. Discuss the development of the study of ” International Relations” and define its core influential factors and define its role in the post cold war era?
2. Discuss “Diplomacy” and define its kinds. Explain diplomatic means which can help to resolve disputes and conflicts in the world.
3. Define ” Economics as an instrument in foreign policy” and explain its fundamental characteristic which can help to achieve state’s objectives.
4. Critically discuss “Pakistan’s participation in SEATO and CENTO ” and explain political, strategic, and economic causes and define its potential disadvantages for the country’s foreign policy and diplomacy.
5. Discuss “Nationalism” and define its silent features in the post cold war situation and explain its grave consequences with reference to eastern Europe, African continent and South Asian tragic incidents. Also debate whether the UN and superpowers played any role in preventing bloodbath in the regions.
6. Discuss the strategic importance of “Indian ocean” in the post cold war scenario and analyze the role of the United States and China in the region. Also identify vital political,economic,and strategic interests of both great powers in the contemporary geopolitical situation.
7. Critically Define ” American interests in Afghanistan” and explain its political strategic failure in the region and its unnecessary pressure on pakistan to “do more” which can destabilize the regional scenario rather than stabilizing the situation. Also discuss the serious impact of the American war on terror on the Pakistan’s state, Society and system.

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