ISSB Initial Test Preparation Books
ISSB is the main and important test which has been designed by the professional and experienced army officials to judge the abilities of the candidates who want to join Pakistan Army, Navy or Air Force. This test is included with various written tests, interviews and physical tests to prove the fitness of the candidates. There are various test preparation centers have been established in different cities who give complete training to the new candidates and prepare them for the tests and exercises being conducting in ISSB. Due to change in the demanding conditions, the nature of the tests can be changed every year.
The candidates get training from different test preparation centers to become more talented for the selection in the forces. In the written exams, the candidates will be asked various questions and if they pass all these questions then there are great chances of his selection. There are various books which are recommended for making preparation for different written and physical exercises. These books are very helpful in completing the exercises and making p[reparation for the written test at ISSB.
ISSB Test Preparation Books
ISSB Scientific Guide
ISSB Scientific Guide
Rupees: Rs:110
Workbook, Verbal Intelligence Test
Price: 60/-
Workbook Personality Test
Price: 70/-
Workbook Non-Verbal Intelligence Test
Price: 100/-
Recommend Book Shops:
Dogar Publications
These books provide you training of such exercises which are being carried out in the written tests or physical training. If the candidates continue their training regularly then their preparations are peaked up and they can be master in their exercises. it is not necessary that the exercises you have done at these test preparation centers are of the same nature but their nature can be changed and you will have to do the similar exercises as you are doing at the test preparation centers.
All such types of books provide you only guidelines for the preparation of the tests being conducted by ISSB. The contents of these books are similar to the questions ask in the ISSB test so these books provide you training and exercises and give them tips and hints to solve your questions. The material being provided in these books are helpful for making your preparation of the test.
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