Karachi University Specialized Degree Program Business School
- Monday, June 27, 2016, 5:14
- Karachi University, News, University
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Karachi, The Business School of Karachi University has declared the admission process for the specialized degree program including MBA (1½ years and two years), Marketing, HRM, Finance and Investment, Islamic Banking and Supply Chain Management. The University of Karachi will also grant admissions to the students in the EMBA (week and 2 ½ years program). The candidates can download the admission forms from the website of Karachi University and they can submit their admission forms with the fee of Rs.1000 from 27 June 2016 to 22 July 2016. The candidates can submit their admission forms in bank counter of UBL located at Silver Jubilee Gate and UBL main campus, branch, University of Karachi, UBL branch Nazimabad Chorangi, and PIDE House Branch. The candidates, who possess the professional degree like BE, MBBS, LLB, CPA, ACCA and CA can also submit their admission forms.
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