KEMU Starts Admissions Process for Diploma Programs
- Thursday, February 7, 2013, 11:56
- Admission Open, Admissions, Institutes, News, Universities, University
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Lahore, King Edward Medical University Lahore has started admission process in different diploma programs which are already recognized by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
According to the details, the admissions are offered by the King Edward Medical University in two years postgraduate diploma programs including Dermatology, Anesthesiology, Era Nose and Throat, Cardiology, Medical Jurisprudence, Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Pediatric Surgery, Medical Radiology, Opthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Gyne / OBS, Child Health, Psychiatry, Clinical Pathology, Urology, Tb & Chest Diseases, Clinical Oncology, Preventive Pediatrics, Family Medicine and Clinical Neurology.
The eligible candidates should submit their admission forms till February 14, 2013 and they should also deposit fee of Rs.2000 in the Bank of Punjab, Bank Square Branch, the Mall Lahore
The university will conduct the entry test of the eligible candidates on February 23, 2013 and the result of the entry test will be announced on March 03, 2013 and the list of the successful candidates will also be displayed on the notice board of the university. The candidates should submit their applications by hand in the main office of the University with in due date.
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