
KPBTE has introduced new rules for One year Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) for the Academic Session 2011-2012. Here are the details of these rules:






These Rules may be called as Assessment & Promotion rules for One year Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) and shall be effective from the Academic Session 2011-2012.



1-1 Board Means the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical

Education, Peshawar


1-2 Institution Means an Institute affiliated with the Board for offering Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) .

1-3 Principal Means the head of Institution affiliated with the Board.

1-4 Course Means a subject comprising theory and practical components

Or any one of them prescribed in the scheme of studies.

1-5 Scheme of studies Means a table showing the courses name. The contact

hours allocated for theory & practical along with marks assigned there to.

1-6 Theory Means that part of a course which is based on cognitive


1-7 Practical Means that part of course which falls under psycho motive

Domain and involves all activities carried in a laboratory, workshop or in the field.




a. Diploma in Information Technology Part-I and Part-II will be held twice a year

under the name 1st Term and 2nd Term on such dates and on such places as determined by the Board from time to time and will be opened to those candidates who are eligible to appear in those examinations under the Assessment and Promotion rules.


b. For eligibility to appear in the examination a candidate must have:-

i). been duly enrolled in institution affiliated with the Board.

ii). been registered with the Board by the dates fixed by the Board.

iii). fulfilled the attendance requirement as laid down in rules.

iv). satisfied the Principal of the institute of his / her conduct.

v). satisfied the Principal about his / her satisfactory performance in the internal



Attendance Rules

a). A candidate must have completed over all attendance of 75% in all subject.


b). The principal may condone over all attendance up to 10% shortage of attendance on the basis of genuine grounds produced before him / her for his /her satisfaction.

i). If a candidate is short of the required percentage of attendance at the time of submission of admission form and fee to the Board but is likely to make up th shortage in due course of time, the Head of institution may send his admission form and fee provisionally to the Board subject to confirmation when the candidate actually makes up the shortage. The Principal of institution shall withdraw his candidature by writing to the controller of examination not later than the 15th day before the commencement of examination.

ii). the Principal will not sent the Examination form of the candidate having less than 65% attendance.

c). Attendance shall be counted form the beginning of the academic session up to 20 days before the commencement of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education Examination . In case result of candidate is declared late, attendance of the student shall be counted from the date of his rejoining his Institute.

d). Attendance shall be counted on the basis of total number of contact hours, theory and practical, for which the classes were actually held during an academic session.

e) No examination form or fee shall be accepted unless it is routed through the Principal concerned.

f). The detailed record of attendance shall be produced for inspection to the Board or on inspection of senior officer as and when required

Assessment and Promotion Rules

a). The Board shall hold examination in all the theory papers & practical included in each course . Minimum pass marks in theory paper and practical shall be 40 % and 50 % respectively.

b). A student failing in any number of subjects in part-1 of the one year DIT course shall be promoted to Part-II and he shall appear simultaneously in Part-I and Part-II exam.

c). The number of maximum attempts for passing the whole one year DIT diploma course, shall be Six.


d). A candidate who dose not clear / pass his / her full diploma with in specified Six No of chances his / her registration will stand cancelled.


e). A candidate who does not appear in any examination conducted by the Board for any reason will lose his / her chance out of the Six prescribed consecutive chances form the date of his / her registration.


f). In order to pass any particular subject, the student will have to pass both in theory and practical separately of the said subjects and failure in either of the two will render him failed in that particular subject.

g). Practical Examination.

i). For DIT Part-I 100% Practical examination shall be conducted by the Board through external examiners.

ii). For DIT Part-II , except the Project for all other subject 100% internal evaluation for Practical Part of subjects shall be carried out by the institute concern..

g). Five Grace marks in theory paper shall be given to the students of DIT Part-II courses who can attain pass level by its even / un-even distribution.

h). Grading will be as under:-


70% and above marks are Grade = A

60% and above but less than 70% marks are Grade = B

50% and above but less than 60% Grade = C

40% and above but less than 50% Grade = D


Note. Minimum Entry Qualification for DIT course shall be HSSC or equivalent certificate from a reorganized Board.


Special Chance

No special chance shall be given to any candidate under any circumstances after he / she availed the prescribed total number of Six chances from the date of his / her registration.






These Rules may be called as Assessment & Promotion rules for One year Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) and shall be effective from the Academic Session 2011-2012.



1-1 Board Means the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical

Education, Peshawar


1-2 Institution Means an Institute affiliated with the Board for offering Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) .

1-3 Principal Means the head of Institution affiliated with the Board.

1-4 Course Means a subject comprising theory and practical components

Or any one of them prescribed in the scheme of studies.

1-5 Scheme of studies Means a table showing the courses name. The contact

hours allocated for theory & practical along with marks assigned there to.

1-6 Theory Means that part of a course which is based on cognitive


1-7 Practical Means that part of course which falls under psycho motive

Domain and involves all activities carried in a laboratory, workshop or in the field.




a. Diploma in Information Technology Part-I and Part-II will be held twice a year

under the name 1st Term and 2nd Term on such dates and on such places as determined by the Board from time to time and will be opened to those candidates who are eligible to appear in those examinations under the Assessment and Promotion rules.


b. For eligibility to appear in the examination a candidate must have:-

i). been duly enrolled in institution affiliated with the Board.

ii). been registered with the Board by the dates fixed by the Board.

iii). fulfilled the attendance requirement as laid down in rules.

iv). satisfied the Principal of the institute of his / her conduct.

v). satisfied the Principal about his / her satisfactory performance in the internal



Attendance Rules

a). A candidate must have completed over all attendance of 75% in all subject.


b). The principal may condone over all attendance up to 10% shortage of attendance on the basis of genuine grounds produced before him / her for his /her satisfaction.

i). If a candidate is short of the required percentage of attendance at the time of submission of admission form and fee to the Board but is likely to make up th shortage in due course of time, the Head of institution may send his admission form and fee provisionally to the Board subject to confirmation when the candidate actually makes up the shortage. The Principal of institution shall withdraw his candidature by writing to the controller of examination not later than the 15th day before the commencement of examination.

ii). the Principal will not sent the Examination form of the candidate having less than 65% attendance.

c). Attendance shall be counted form the beginning of the academic session up to 20 days before the commencement of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education Examination . In case result of candidate is declared late, attendance of the student shall be counted from the date of his rejoining his Institute.

d). Attendance shall be counted on the basis of total number of contact hours, theory and practical, for which the classes were actually held during an academic session.

e) No examination form or fee shall be accepted unless it is routed through the Principal concerned.

f). The detailed record of attendance shall be produced for inspection to the Board or on inspection of senior officer as and when required

Assessment and Promotion Rules

a). The Board shall hold examination in all the theory papers & practical included in each course . Minimum pass marks in theory paper and practical shall be 40 % and 50 % respectively.

b). A student failing in any number of subjects in part-1 of the one year DIT course shall be promoted to Part-II and he shall appear simultaneously in Part-I and Part-II exam.

c). The number of maximum attempts for passing the whole one year DIT diploma course, shall be Six.


d). A candidate who dose not clear / pass his / her full diploma with in specified Six No of chances his / her registration will stand cancelled.


e). A candidate who does not appear in any examination conducted by the Board for any reason will lose his / her chance out of the Six prescribed consecutive chances form the date of his / her registration.


f). In order to pass any particular subject, the student will have to pass both in theory and practical separately of the said subjects and failure in either of the two will render him failed in that particular subject.

g). Practical Examination.

i). For DIT Part-I 100% Practical examination shall be conducted by the Board through external examiners.

ii). For DIT Part-II , except the Project for all other subject 100% internal evaluation for Practical Part of subjects shall be carried out by the institute concern..

g). Five Grace marks in theory paper shall be given to the students of DIT Part-II courses who can attain pass level by its even / un-even distribution.

h). Grading will be as under:-


70% and above marks are Grade = A

60% and above but less than 70% marks are Grade = B

50% and above but less than 60% Grade = C

40% and above but less than 50% Grade = D


Note. Minimum Entry Qualification for DIT course shall be HSSC or equivalent certificate from a reorganized Board.


Special Chance

No special chance shall be given to any candidate under any circumstances after he / she availed the prescribed total number of Six chances from the date of his / her registration.


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