KPBTE Short Courses Exams Forms Submission Schedule 2016
- Thursday, July 2, 2015, 8:54
- Admissions, kpbte - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education
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Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Technical Education Board is going to start the exams process for the evening extension education program / short courses for the first term 2015 and boys vocational and technical school certificate supply exams. The board administration made it clear that the exams will be started from 26 August. The students need to understand that they have to send the admission forms and deposit the admission fee without late fee till 22 July. The candidates can also submit their admission forms with the late fee of Rs.220 till 27 July, with the double fee till 31 July and they can also deposit the triple fee till 4 August. The application forms receive beyond this date will not be entertained.
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