KU MBBS 1st & 2nd Professional Annual Result 2015
- Saturday, June 13, 2015, 5:46
- Karachi University, Results, University
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Karachi, The Controller of Exams, University of Karachi has declared the annual exams result of MBBS first and second year professional exams for the year 2015. According to the details of the MBBS first professional exams result, total 771 students participated in the exams in which 597 students are declared successful while 174 students are declared failed. The percentage of the successful students remained at 77.43%. In the MBBS second professional exams result, total 777 students appeared in which 517 students were declared successful and remaining 260 students were failed so the percentage of the successful students remained at 66.54%.
The MBBS first and second professional annual exams result is uploaded on the website www.result.pk with complete information and for the convenience of the students. The students can visit the site to check the detailed result from this page, which are provided here soon after its announcement.
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