Law CSS Past Paper 2012
- Thursday, August 2, 2012, 10:31
- CSS, CSS Past Papers, Past Papers, Resources, Test Prep
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CSS Law Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Part I
1. Meaning of Cabotage?
2. Amnesty International is what? NGO, CSO, International Organization?
3. ICRC is what? International Organization, or related to Geneva Convection?
4. Which article of ICJ deals with sources of International Law? Article 38, 51?
5. How many members of UN were till 31-12-2011? 193, 190, 200?
6. Number of members at the time UN founded? 51, 41, 61?
7. Number of UN organizations established in New York? 4, 5,6?
8. Which is the principle organ of UNO? General Assembly or Security Council?
9. Condominium means what?
10. Corporate Social Responsibility means what?
11. Legal Person in international means what? A person who has authority, a person on which rights and duties are conferred?
12. Which theory deals with the relation of International Law with domestic law? Monism and Dualism?
13. Relation of subject of International law and international person is like? Government and State, Federating Unit and Centre of Federation?
14. The decision of ICJ is binding on which states? All States, Those states which bring the conflicts?
15. Meaning of Pacta Sunt Servanda? Treating are binding, Agreement are sacred?
16. Jus Cogens means? Common Law, Compelling Law?
17. Difference between open seas and high seas? No difference, In state or around state?
18. The total number of articles of League of Nations is? 26, 46?
Part II
Q.2 Does the customary international law grant the right to use force to a state in response to a terrorist attack on it? Substantiate your answer by arguing from Article 51 and Paragraph 4 of the Article 2 of the UN Charter and other recent examples in this regard.
Q3. “Non-recognition of a government can be amounted to denying the recognition of the state itself as it is the governments that do international business on behalf of the states.” Argue in affirmative this statement with particular reference to Constitutive Theory of Recognition.
Q4. Lord Curzon once said, “Frontiers are indeed the razor’s edge on which hang suspended the modern issues of war or peace, of life or death to nations.” Explain in this light the various modes of acquisition of territory by a state.
Q5. What are the various kinds of treaties in international law? Explain the laws about formation, interpretation and termination of treaties.
Q6. What is Veto? How, when and by whom it is used? What consequences Pakistan had to face in the past because of its use by a former superpower?
Q7. Explain with reference to the relevant articles of the UN Charter that whether the world body is authorized to intervene in the domestic jurisdiction of its member states.
Q8. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:
(a) Protectorate (b) Prize Courts (c) Extradition (d) Double Nationality (e) Continental Shelf (f) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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