LCWU Start Summer Courses
- Thursday, June 28, 2012, 7:50
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Lahore, During summer vacation various summer courses are going to start by the Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) as it was announced on Monday. You can collect admission forms from today.
The in charge summer courses, Dr. Ismat Naeem told that they are offering 27 different courses by eight departments. The main objective of these courses is to improve communication and artistic expertise of the student. You can get admission forms regarding these summer courses from today at University Auditorium. Final date for submission of these forms is July 01, 2012.
Various departments including department of English, Home Economics, Women Institute of Leadership and Learning (WILL), Computer Science, Institute of Design and Visual Arts, Statistics, Mathematics, Education and Mass Communication will carry out the courses for students.
The courses which are going to offer for summer courses are Communication Skills, Creative Writing, Baking, Cooking, Handmade Dazzling Jewelry, Summer Special Beverages, Salad Bar, Fashion Designing, Candle Art, Research Methods, Career Success Skills, Website Development, Graphic Designing, E-Commerce, MS Office, Drawing and Aptitude Test Preparation, Sculpture and Art of Installation, Traditional and Contemporary Painting Miniature Painting and Art of Illumination, SPSS, Introduction to Foundations of Mathematics, Short Film Making Course by Shoaib Iqbal, Certificate in Early Childhood by Dr. Aisha & Batool Fatima, Child Day Care Course by Fozia Munawar & Sajeela Ali, Certificate in Math Education by Sajeela Ali, Academic Study Skills by Dr. Afifa Khanem, TV/ Video Production and Radio Short Courses.
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