Medical & Dental Colleges Entry Test Fee 100% Increases
- Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 6:55
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Faisalabad, Punjab Government has decided to hundred percent increases in the entry test fee for grant of admissions in the medical and dental colleges of the province. In the previous year, the administration received Rs.500 for entry test fee from every candidate to appear in the medical and dental colleges and now the government has decided to receive Rs.1000 from every candidate as entry test fee. The medical and dental college entry test will be conducted on September 22, 2013.
University of Health Sciences Lahore conducted entry tests for grant of admission in the medical and dental colleges and they received only Rs.500 from every candidate as entry test fee in the previous year entry tests. About 36,098 candidates appeared in the entry test last year on which total expenditure incurred on the entry test for Rs.3,68,26,380 but government could collect only Rs1,80,49,000 and Punjab government had to provide the grant of Rs.2 crore to meet the expenditure.
It is expected that about 40,000 candidates will appear in the entry test for admission in the medical and dental colleges and the estimated expenditure is about Rs.3.5 crore. The government has decided that all the expenditure of entry test will be met through the entry test fee paid by the candidates,
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