Minimum Qualification for CSS and PCS to be Raised to M.Phil


Just recently, a new suggestion has been put down by the Ministry of Development & Reforms about the CSS qualifications. According to this suggestion by the ministry, the minimum qualification for all Public Service Commission (PSC) and Central Superior Services (CSS) exams should be M.Phil. It is told by the sources that the recommendations will be sent to PM Nawaz Sharif after the ministry of DR finalizes the documentation process.

The officials of the ministry told about the motive of this move that it will help to increase the competitiveness in the CSS and PSC exams. They claim that this step will help to recruit more experienced and expert people from several educational fields. As a result, the efficiency of government institutes will increase. The officials say that lot of time is required to trained fresh graduates and this decreases the effectiveness of hiring procedure for CSS and PSC.

Minimum qualification is proposed to be M.Phil while minimum age requirement is set to be raised to 30 years

Along with the qualification, the change in the minimum age is also recommended and at the time of examination, it will be set at 30 years. For all the PSC and CSS officials, the age of retirement will be 60 years.

It is expected that more experienced and viable persons will join the government offices through these changes. Views from public about this issue are mixed while most are seeing this decision as unjust. Some say that experience will better the government offices while others claim that young blood can make the public offices much better and effective.

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