Muslim Law & Jurisprudence CSS Past Paper 2012
- Thursday, August 2, 2012, 10:43
- CSS, CSS Past Papers, Past Papers, Resources, Test Prep
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CSS Muslim Law & Jurisprudence Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Q.2. Define the doctrine of naskh (repeal).do you agree that naskh has been done in Shariah texts?if so then what is justification for it?
Q.3. Is khula an absolute right of woman or it is subject to some conditions?how can she use this right and what are legel effects of khula?
Q.4. what is the difference between istehsan and maslahah mursalah?how they can be used to deduct laws in new problems which are not covered by the QURAN,the sunnah or ijma?
Q.5. it is said Imam abu hanifa was strongly opposed to waqf.then it was recognized and institutionalized.why?discuss waqf can be used in better way?give your suggestions.
Q.6. many muslims scholars has criticized some sections of the muslim family laws ordinance 1961 that they are not in accordance with the injuctions of shariah.give your opinion and decorate it with arguments.
Q.7. define legal capacity(al-ahliyyah).discuss the legal capacity of minor (sabi).
Q.8. write notes on the following topics:
(a) mujtahid fi al-shar (b) proper dower (c) plain and allusive words (d) dhawi al-furud
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