Names of 4 New Substances In Periodic Table
- Friday, June 10, 2016, 10:28
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4 new elements have been named while they were included in the periodic table just few months ago. They are put in the group 7 according to their atomic number.
These 4 new elements included in the periodic table are artificial which are prepared in laboratory with the mixture of 2 small atomic centers. They are included in the periodic table in January and now their names are suggested. Before that, they were known by their atomic weight like 113, 115, 117 and 118 but their new names are nihonium, moscovium, tennesssine and oganesson respectively.
The elements are included in the periodic table for the first time after 2011 and this will complete the 7th row of the table. These names will be open for proposal for 5 months and these names can be changed till 8th November 2016 in case of coming of a better name but after this time their names will be finalized. The decision will be taken by International Union of Pure & Applied Physics and International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry.
Nihonium: this element was discovered in Japan due to which it was given a Japanese name.
Moscovium: It is named for Moscow because it was discovered there.
Tennessine: it is named after American state of Tennessee.
Oganesson: It is named for nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian who played important role in the search of new elements.
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