NED admission test Performance of interior Sindh remain poor
- Monday, August 29, 2016, 7:09
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The performance of the academic boards of interior Sindh remained very poor during the NED University admission test and their passing percentage is less than 42%. The performance of BIEK remained very satisfactory as compared to previous years and 82% of its candidates gained success in the NED University admission test. The most brilliant performance was shown by Aga Khan Educational Board as its passing percentage remained equal to A-level of Cambridge University. The passing percentage of both Cambridge and Aga Khan University remained 93%. The passing percentage of FBISE remained 84% while the results of academic boards of Punjab, KPK and Balochistan remained 66%. The overall passing percentage in the NED admission test remained 70%. Last year, it was 54% and before that it was 50%. In this admission test, 9346 students appeared out of which 6575 achieved success. Last year, success rate of BIEK was 60% and now it has increased to 82%. The passing marks in NED admission test is 50%.
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