NTS ELTeach Test 2016 Schedule


The online program of ELTeach provides coursework and assessments in Teaching English and professional knowledge of ELT through which it supports the English teachers.
The purpose to start ELTeach is to make sure that English teachers can get the proper professional knowledge and language for successfully completing their English curriculum. Through learning and practicing language, the teachers can build professional confidence.

Large numbers of English teachers can be trained through this cost effective ELTeach process that will improve quality of teaching of English.
The standardized professional development program of ELTeach is available anywhere anytime due to easy to use online coursework and practice. The data of assessments and coursework can be used for future teacher training programs while course content of the ELTeach is relevant to local and global standards.
Coursework and assessments are combined in ELTeach program while the teachers can complete the coursework and assessment within six months from start of their registration. ELTeach conduct assessments four times in a year at selected test centers and the teachers receive certificate and score report by ETS and National Geographic Learning after successful completion of their program.

ELTeach Advantages:

ELTeach is different from other teaching programs that emphasis on testing as they provide opportunity for learning and practicing language which builds professional confidence in the teachers.
Different aspects of teaching are enhanced by ELTeach which include language teaching, language learning, grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading, listening and speaking.
The English language skills of teachers can be improved by ELTeach as this program highlights the issues, challenges and good practices.


Total 4 ELTeach course are held. The first course starts from 1st December and its course assessment dates are from 15 to 30 March. The 2nd course starts from 1st March and its course assessment dates are from 15 to 30 June. The last two courses begin from 1st June and 1st September while their course assessment dates are 15 to 30 September and 6 to 20 December respectively.


Sr.# ELTeach Course Starts Course Assessment Dates
1 1st December 15-30 March
2 1st March 15-30 June
3 1st June 15-30 September
4 1st September 6-20 December

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