- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:37
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
For appearing in the test as scheduled by NTS, the candidate is required to register. Below, the whole process of registration is given:
Through online, from the NTS website of www.nts.org. pk, fill the registration form and bank deposit slip. On the website of NTS, the registration form is available only.
Through the online bank deposit slip in the online branches of MCB, UBL, HBL, or ABL, ...
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- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:31
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
In your information, on the provisional candidates list on NTS website, write your desired authentication keyword of only 4 digits (for example: 1234) which is required for correction (in case of ambiguity). To submit correction query in provisional candidates list later, this keyword will be required, so remember this keyword and keep it with you.
For desired test center choice, select your rest city.
As your roll ...
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- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:26
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:23
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
Composition of Test:
In five different shuffles, the question booklet will be present.
The candidate will have to open the booklet at the start of test, as each question booklet will be sealed.
Till the test starts, do not break the seal.
Except for un-avoidable reason, no candidate will be allowed to leave the seat during the test. For example toilet usage, that will also be in the escort ...
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- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:22
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
Against single question, the shading or filling of two answers is wrong, which will be marked Zero.
Near answer circle or anywhere on the answer sheet, the over writing and cutting will distract the readability and in the specific answer circle, the answer may be marked ZERO.
To shade or fill the circles, only use blue or black ball pen.
As two blank sheets for rough work are ...
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- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:20
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
To answer the questions, one page printed answer sheet is provided. To shade or fill the circles use only ball pen (blue/black). With you bring pen or clip board, any other erasing material is not allowed. For one question, five circles containing five options of answer containing alphabets from A to E inside, against each question number is included in the answer sheet.
One circle should ...
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- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:19
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, NTS
On the top of the sheet, the personal data of the candidate is present on the answer sheet. The name, father name, roll number and photograph of the candidate will be present. It is required to critically check these fields, by the candidate and in the required space he/she should sign. The candidate must inform the invigilator present around, if any field of personal information ...
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NTS announced result for Quaid-E-Azam University GAT General Special Test 2013. You can check Quaid-e-Azam University GAT General Special Test result 2013 online at following links:
Quaid-e-Azam University GAT Result 2013
QU GAT General Special Test Result 2013
NTS Test Results 2013
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National Testing Services (NTS) has announced the GAT (Graduate Assessment Test) Result 2013. You can see the result online at following link:
GAT Result 2013
Graduate Assessment Test (GAT) Result 2013
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- Sunday, December 23, 2012, 5:02
- GAT Graduate Assessment Test, News, NTS
Now by the officials, the Graduate Assessment Test (GAT) General Test Schedule for the year 2013 is declared. Basically with the Higher Education Commission (HEC), this test has been concerned but to the National Testing Service (NTS), the responsibility of conducting the exams of GAT General Test is assigned. For the admissions in M.Phil and HEC Scholarship Schemes, this test is taken.
Only for two years, ...
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