Pakistani Qari Clinches First Position in RAC Qiraat Competition
- Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 10:30
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Islamabad, A religious congregation for the recitation of Holy Quran competition has been organized on Monday in Rawalpindi Arts Councils in commemoration of Holy Month of Ramazan by Rawalpindi Arts Council in collaboration of International Islamic University Islamabad. Qari Zeeshan Haider of Pakistan clinched first position in the competition.
Young reciters (Quras) belonging to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Thailand, Somalia and Pakistan have participated in the competition. The judges of the competition have been appointed as Qari Dr Taj Afsar , Qari Bazurg Shah, and Qari Dil Nawaz.
In the first part of the competition, ‘Inter Madaris Qiraat Competition’, Qari Zeeshan Haider stood first, Qari Muhammad Ismail got second and Khabib Anwar declared third. While forth opposition went to Qari Saeed Ahmed.
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