Pakistani Student Wins Gold Medal In International Math Competition
- Saturday, November 21, 2015, 7:11
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A Pakistani student has shown tremendous performance in the international math competition and he won the gold medal on getting success in the competition. The student reads in the Pak Turk International School Jamshoro and he participated in the Math Challenge V, which was conducted by Pak-Asia International School located in Bangkok.
Rajinish Aneel Bhatia, who is the student of grade 7, he won the gold medal after attending the international math competition. In this competition, three other students of the same schools participated in this competition. Harun Yilmaz of grade 8 won the silver medal in the competition while Abdul Wasay Kandhir and Abdul Wasay Memon of grade 7 were also participated in the competition and both has won the bronze medal each.
Bhatia and Kandhir maintained their facebook and they uploaded their win on the social media site.
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