PBTE TEVTA Short Courses Date Sheet 2015
- Monday, October 12, 2015, 11:27
- Date Sheet, PBTE - Punjab Board of Technical Education
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Lahore, TEVTA has issued the date sheet for the short courses or trade exams, which are going to be started from 20 October 2015. The short courses are included as AutoCAD, Spoken English, Beautician, Electrical Wiring, Painting, Domestic Electrician, Computer Application, Industrial Stitching Machine Operator, Cooking & Baking, Domestic Tailoring, Auto Mechanic (diesel), Safety Inspector, Fabric Printing, Electrical Wiring, Hand Embroidery and Micro Entrepreneurship.
The objective type paper will be started from 08:30 & it will be finished on 09:00 and the practical paper will be start after the objective paper. The PBTE has issued instructions to the head of the departments and ask them to prepare the result and also deposit them in the concerned vocational education exams and the heads of the institutes have to follow these instructions. If they fail to follow them, then the result of the candidates will not be acceptable and the students will have to face difficulty in passing their exams.
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