PEF awarded 3 Lakh Vouchers to Punjab deserving students
- Saturday, June 20, 2015, 7:50
- Admissions, Karachi University, University
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PEF (Punjab Education Foundation) has prepared free school education for more than three lakh male and female entitled students in more than 1200 linked schools under Education Voucher Scheme (EVS) all over the province.
Engineer Qamar ul Islam Raja the Chaireman of Punjab Education Foundation mentioned during discussing in the district coordination meeting of school heads partnering under Education Voucher Scheme at the auditorium of Multan Arts Council on Tuesday, which this schooling has really prepared to make easiness for those students who study in other half schools of their own choice in their regions. The alliance cooperator of this education program from 8 southern districts is as well bring in Multan attended the meeting.
Further he mentioned that our vouchers based education program has got an objective to teach the deprived students until matric level; as well he included in his speech that his program has been discovered so useful in completing the educational needs of the needy applicants who are giving including with the choice of studying in associated of choice. EVS associates comes with torch bearers of our knowledge caravan also the major target of education promotion of is going to be getting soon because Punjab government is enthusiastic to gain 100 percent registration of students in schools until academic year of 2018
Throughout his address in a meeting he as well mentioned that different instructions as helping to insure the perfect simplicity and as well capability because the entire procedure of the foundation are begin digitalized. As well the ICT helped to make our system more efficient and result oriented. Whereas conversing to the other part he mentioned that we have as well revealed GIS system which is going to help in digital mapping of the related schools in the whole province. As well he included that E-registered project is as well revealed from Lahore. With its full eagerness this foundation is working to spread out the light of knowledge and education in every single corner of the province. As well he mentioned that public money is a hallowed belief delegated upon PEF also its partner; this is a fully to spend even its single penny with ultimate care.
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