Position Holders of GCU Reaches Glasgow University


Lahore, According to the Government College University (GCU) Lahore, the group of 40 toppers students of Matriculation, Intermediate and Graduation from Pakistan who are headed by the Vice Chancellor Prof. (Meritorious) Dr. Muhammad Khaleeq Ur Rehman and some other officials reached Scotland to visit various universities

When the group arrived at Glasgow University and Strathclyde University, they were received warmly by Dr. Ian Thomson and Ms Gaile. The students of the tour party were informed that the University of Glasgow was set up in 1451 and now it is considered among top 100 universities of the world.

They also informed that this prestigious University is imparting education of high reputation to the students of more than 150 countries and have 10 partnerships with Pakistan. The campus got not only extra ordinary achievements of architecture but also providing living facilities to 20,000 students and it also produced six noble prize winners including Adam Smith, James Watt, Joseph Black, Lord Kelvin, William Rankine and Join Baird.

then the   group visited  the Strathclyde University, which was the third largest university of Scotland and having 77th rank of this university in the world. After this the group of topper students was invited on the visit of the City Council Glasgow by the six Pakistani councilors who welcomed the delegation enthusiastically. The group was told about the political environment of the area. In the beginning there were 79 localities but at present there are 73.

The group of top position holders also visited the most advancing institutions like Cambridge, Oxford, London School of Economics, Manchester Metropolitan University and Leads University in UK. The delegation of the position holder students were also invited by the High Commission in UK, Mr. Wajid Shamsul Hassan, High Commissioner for Pakistan in UK,  who gave away gifts to top position holder students.

The students showed their ambitions to aid Pakistan in medicines, engineering, accounting, artificial intelligence and literature which impressed the Higher Commissioner. After completion of their visit to UK, then the delegation will visit to the universities of Germany and Turkey.

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