Private Schools Close on Apr 06 against PEC Result Decide Sit-in
- Saturday, April 6, 2013, 9:10
- BISE, News, PEC - Punjab Examination Commission
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DG Khan, Punjab Examination Commission arranged annual exams of 5th and 8th classes announced the results of both classes. The results were so controversial that most of the intelligent and talented students were declared fail in the exams. The students and teachers protested against the results.
Now all private schools of the district were decided to close on April 06, 2012 and they decided that they would give sit-in in front of DCO office at 10 am in the morning and would be demanded for the re-checking of the papers. The district leaders of the All Pakistan Private Schools Association will attend the sit-in and they will place their demands for the rechecking of the papers. They also said that the talented students, who took positions in all exams, were declared failed in the exams and the students, who did not appear in the papers, are announced successful in the exams, which are not understood. They will demand with the Punjab Government, DCO and EDO Education to order for the rechecking of the papers and issue revised results of the students.
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