Protest of Students of University for delay of House Jobs
- Friday, November 23, 2012, 5:15
- News, University
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Hyderabad (report of Beoror), In the Liaqaut Medical University, the students of last year, told that the LUMS Administration gets more than Rs 10 crore in budget, for the house jobs of the students. But LUMS Administration is trying to delay the house job of the students for one year. Mulk Musadaq, Dr. Arsalan Akili, Mehr-ul-Nisa, Batool and many others from the Press Club in the Press Conference and Protest said that the students of last year of LUMS MBBS, are protesting for seven days, but including Administration, the Govt of Sindh didn’t took any notice.
They told that 360 students are in the last year of MBBS in LUMS, for whom according to the rules and regulation of PMDC, the house jobs should be started from February 2013, but the administration wasting their one year, wants to start the house jobs from February 2014, because of which the students will not be able to get commission and will not be able to study abroad for one year.
They appealed to the Prime Minister of Sindh, Governor of Sindh, Provincial Minister of Health and many others that for year 2013, by giving house jobs to the batches of 2006 and 2007 together, save one year of the students of last year. Recently they have announced that for Muharram, they are stopping their protest, but after Muharram the protest will be start again.
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