PU admission schedule for MS, MPhil, MSC and PhD programs
- Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 7:09
- News, Punjab University, University
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University of the Punjab has announced admission schedule for programs of MS/ MSC/ MPhil (engg/ Hons) and PhD for semester fall 2016. After tests, the results will be announced on 30th August 2016 and the interviews of successful candidates will be held from 1st to 9th September 2016. The first merit list will be displayed on 19th September 2016 while the fourth and last merit list will be displayed on 28th September 2016.
The eligibility of MS/ MPhil/ MSC is minimum 16 years of relevant education while eligibility for PhD is minimum 1st division in MS, MPhil and MSC in relevant field. Complete details about these admissions are available at the official site of Punjab University.
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