PU Institute of Education & Research Department Offers Admissions 2012 in B.Ed
- Friday, September 14, 2012, 12:21
- News, Punjab University, University
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Lahore, Admissions in B.Ed has been offered in the Institute of Education and Research, University of Punjab for the 2012 in Regular and Self Supporting programs (Four years and one years degree). The admission will be continued for regular till September 26, 2012 and for self-supporting programs till October 09, 2012.
All interested candidates can receive admission forms from Central Record Office for showing deposit slip of Rs.200 being deposited in Habib Bank Quaid-e-Azam Campus University of Punjab Lahore. The candidates can also get admission forms through mail simply be sending Bank draft or postal order for Rs.260/- being pledged to the Director, Institute of Education and Research, Punjab University Lahore.
The candidates already in service should submit their application form through proper channel. The students who are applying for more than one degree program should use separate forms for each program. Further detailed information have already been given in the prospectus of the university.
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