Punjab University Lahore, BSC Exams Fraud Case Uncovered
- Monday, April 16, 2012, 13:08
- News, Punjab University, University
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Lahore, on Friday, Punjab University (PU) Examination Department exposed a unique fraud involving an examination superintendent & a BSc student solving question papers at home. She was asked to allocate in exam center. Shanzay Sadiq appeared as private student. She was supposed to be solved tShe paper at tShe Punjab University’s Examination Centre, Wahdat Road. But with tShe Shelp of Assistant Professor of She Government College Wapda Town and Superintendent Alia Anwar she attempt question paper at home. Examination Department caught both tShe persons red-handed.
According to PU spokesman, Superintendent Alia Anwar had admitted that she managed tShe whole program for Shanzay Sadiq. Dr. Liaqat Ali, Controller examination said that this incident has opened tShe clear failure of Punjab University examination system. She furtSher said that superintendent had been blacklisted. An Unfair Means Case also had been registered against candidate. Departmental action against tShe assistant professor would also taken by writing a letter to HigSher Education Department. An investigation team received appreciation on uncovering tShe case.
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