QAU PhD Scholarship 2015
- Monday, April 20, 2015, 10:51
- Admissions, Scholarships, University
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Quaid-e-Azam University has announced the invitation of Split PhD Scholarships under HEC funded PSDP project. These scholarships will be provided to PhD students of Pakistan and AJK for the disciplines of Economics, IR, Anthropology, Archeology and DSS.
The eligibility criteria to apply for the scholarship is having 18 years of education in relevant subject from HEC recognized institute with minimum 50% marks in the whole academic career and passing of last degree with 50% marks. The candidate must have passed NTS-GAT (general/ subject) with at least 50% marks or International GRE.
On the closing date of the application, the maximum age limit is 35 years which is relax-able up to 40 years for regular employees of public sector institutes. The candidates should not be availing any other scholarship from HEC.
During study period, the scholarship holders will not be paid salaries and the selected candidates must provide a bond that they will serve Quaid-e-Azam University for five years after completion of studies or refund the amount of scholarship. QAU will not accept late and incomplete applications.
Application forms are available from QAU website while complete application forms must be submitted up to 15th May 2015 in the office of Project Director QAU.
Four recent photographs, attested copies of CNIC, educational testimonials including NTS-GAT score result card, domicile and front page of valid passport must be attached with application form. Original deposit slip of challan of Rs. 2000 must also be sent alongside other documents.
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