Rawalpindi Board Announces Inter Registration Form Submission Schedule
- Monday, January 21, 2013, 5:22
- BISE, BISERWP - BISE Rawalpindi, News
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Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has announced complete schedule for submission of registration forms for intermediate exams for the year 2013. The regular students can submit admission forms till January 21, 2013 while private students submit registration forms till February 04, 2013. The annual exams for intermediate classes will be started from May 04, 2013.
The regular students should deposit Rs.1400 for the Humanities group while the registration fee for Part I or II will be Rs.750. on the other hand, the regular fee for the private candidates for Humanities group will be Rs.1500 and registration fee for Part I or Part II will be Rs.800. the regular candidates who want to appear in the science group should pay registration fee of Rs.1500 while regular candidates will pay Rs.800 for Part I or II. The private candidates of science group will have to pay Rs.1700 for composite exams and Rs.900 for Part I or II.
After the closing date, the candidates will have to pay late fee for the late submission of admission forms and private candidates will have to Rs.800 for late submission of the admission forms. The admission forms are available at the designated branches of the banks and for this purpose, 21 facilitation centers are also established.
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