Student Jobs in China
- Monday, October 3, 2011, 10:56
- Study Abroad, Study in China
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The financial crisis of the world has created problems for student’s employment in the world. That is the reason most of students in china study with out getting any job and some get a job which also fulfill their family requirements. There can be a doubt on the Chinese official reports that the unemployment for students has now substantially eased and due to this there were more than 6.5 million international students who enroll to china this year.
According to the newspaper of China named China Daily, some of the universities of China has faking work contracts or employment agreements for all type of international students and are unable to provide the performance report to the officials of China. Actually the faking employment rates of China are not an isolated case because it exited for years in the China. According to the official newspaper named People’s Daily that in the recent year more than 82 percent of new graduates had found jobs but on the other hand with earlier reports students were battling to get student jobs.
In the March of 2011, the higher authorities of the Southern Guangdong province said that there only 10 percent of their students who got jobs. Some of the Chinese states are those where students fail to find any job and this is because students are not issued diplomas said by the higher authorities.
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