Few websites released results of pre medical and pre engineering supply exams 2016 while these results haven’t been announced by the
Board of Intermediate Education Karachi yet due to which students can parents became confused. Roll no of several candidates were absent or they were shown failed. BIEK’s chairman told that
results were not issued because they were not complete. Therefore, ...
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- Saturday, March 4, 2017, 7:17
- BIEK Karachi, BISE
Board of Intermediate Education Karachi has declared the
results of intermediate part 2 supply exams 2016 for the groups of commerce (regular) and arts (regular and private). In these exams, total 19677 studnets appeared out of which 8874 achieved success and the passing percentage remained 45.09%. In
commerce (regular) group, total 12986 students participated out of which 5645 students ...
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