- Monday, June 20, 2011, 9:27
- BISE, BISE Malakand
A National Commission on Education, consisting of experts from different fields, of education was appointed in December, 1958. the Commission was mandated to review the then existing education system of the country. The Commission recommended that Secondary Education be given an independent status with specific aims and objectives. The secondary ...
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- Monday, June 20, 2011, 9:26
- BISE, BISE Malakand
The Board of Intermediate and secondary Education, Malakand was established w.e.f. 2003 as a result of bifurcation of BISE, Swat & have been functioning since then according to the NWFP Ordinance/Act 1990. The Board is responsible for control, organization and regulation of education of more than 450 educational institutions in public as well as private sector.
The Jurisdiction of the Board was consisting ...
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