Board of Intermediate and secondary Education Mardan has issued the press release that the BISE Mardan matric class annual exams result for 2017 will be declared after the eid ul Fitr. Mardan Board matric class result 2017 will be declared in the main auditorium of the board and the names of the position holder students of Mardan Board 10th class result 2017 will ...
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- Monday, January 26, 2015, 6:12
- BSEK Karachi, Results
Board of Secondary Education Karachi has announced the result of
matric supplementary exams science & general group for regular and private students. According to details, total 36560 students participated in the exams out of which 3493 were absent while the passing students include 61 in A1 grade, 391 in A grade, 2341 ...
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Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education DI Khan is going to announce the annual exams results for 9th and 10th classes for 2013. BISE Kohat conducts the annual exams of SSC during March or April every year. Kohat Board announces the results of Matric class after two or three months of the exams. Similarly, Kohat Educational board conducts the annual exams of HSSC during April ...
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- Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 9:39
- BISE, Matric Result, News, Results
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Kohat is going to announce the result of the 9th and 10th classes for the year 2013. BISE Kohat is responsible to conduct the annual exams of SSC and HSSC every year at the proper time. Kohat Board makes necessary arrangements for the annual exams of both SSC and HSSC exams every year.
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Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Bannu is also called BISE Bannu. Bannu Board is going to announce the result of the annual exams of 9th and 10th classes for the year 2013 very soon. BISE Bannu is responsible to conduct the annual exams of SSC Part I & II and HSSC in all under jurisdiction schools and colleges. The objective of the board is ...
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Abbottabad Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education holds annual exams of SSC and HSSC during March or April. BISE Abbottabad makes necessary arrangements for the annual exams of 9th, 10th every year in affiliated schools and colleges. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Abbottabad is now going to declared the results of the annual exams of Matric Part I & II very soon. The students ...
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Malakand Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education came into being with the mission to organize annual and supply exams for the classes of SSC, HSSC. Malakand Board makes arrangements for the annual and supply exams of all schools and colleges, which are under its jurisdiction. BISE Malakand makes arrangements of annual exams for 9th and 10th classes during March and April every year and this ...
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Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Swat was established with the object to conduct the exams of SSC and HSSC every year. BISE Swat conducts the annual exams of 9th and 10th classes during March or April every year. Swat Board announces results after every three months of the exams. It is responsibility of BISE Swat to organize annual exams of all affiliated schools and ...
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- Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 9:28
- BISE, Matric Result, News, Results
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Mardan got separated from Peshawar Board in 1990. BISE Mardan arranges the exams of SSC and HSSC of affiliated schools and colleges. Mardan Board declares the results of the annual or supply exams of 9th, 10th classes as well as Intermediate every year at their prescribed times.
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- Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 9:24
- BISE, Matric Result, News, Results
Peshawar Educational Board was set up after separation from University of Peshawar. BISE board has the responsibility to conduct the annual and supply exams of SSC and HSSC every year. Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Peshawar declares the results of 9th and 10th classes after two or three months of the exams. Peshawar Board conducts the Matric and Intermediate exams in all educational institution, ...
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