student in usa

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214 B Immigration Rule

Actually the section 214 B is a part of the nationality and immigration act of INA which states that “every type of alien should be presumed to always be an immigrant until and unless he satisfies the counselor officer.” When ever you are denied of the student visa the counselor will say like this “You application for student visa is refused because you are not ... Full story

How will you say and what will you say?

When ever you visit the US embassy to give interview then always speak clearly. When you think that you are not 100% comfortable in English then try to speak slowly. Answer all questions politely in short sentences and can also add clarification if needed but do not argue. When ever you think that the things are going bad against you then always listen to the ... Full story

What will be your look?

The most important thing in the US interview is the appearance of the student visa seeker. It is mostly necessary that you should wear neat dress but it is not necessary that you should wear fashionable dress but the thing is wear neat dress. Never use too much make up, and also don’t wear earrings if you are male and if you are female then ... Full story

USA Education System

The education system in the country of USA is always provided by the public sectors and also with the help of funding and controls that are coming from three types of levels that are state, federal and local. In the USA child education is very important and is compulsory for ever child. The public education in the USA is universally available for all type of ... Full story

Rules for Internationals Students in USA

It is must for all international students to complete the test of English language before applying to the USA College or University which is the must requirement as Foreign Language and is known as TOEFL. Actually this test is of four hours that allows the admissions committee to easily evaluate the student’s ability to use and understand the standards of USA English of college or ... Full story

USA Doctoral Degree Programs

The USA Doctoral Degree programs involves many advance seminars, coursework and training of students and help them in all fields to become research scholars by teaching students discipline at college or at a university.   Actually the minimum length of the USA Doctoral Degree Programs is of three years. Students are required to clear Graduate Degree Examination (GRE) ... Full story

USA Medicine Degree Programs

USA Medicine Degree Programs:   Usually the medical programs in the USA actually have minimum length of four years program at university level. Students are always evaluated with the help of Medical College Admission Tests scores which is MCAT and is the part of the admission process. When ... Full story

USA Law Degree Programs

USA law programs are those programs that teach the practical skills to all those students that want to be lawyers and to take admission for the bars of the US states the A.J.D degree is required.   USA law degree programs are basically three years program in most of the universities. Universities mostly ... Full story

USA Master’s Degree Programs

The master’s program that are offered in the USA are usually professional, that is the reason students gain best knowledge and training in the specific field of their lives. Actually the master’s degree programs in the USA are available in many different and also in wide variety of fields.   USA Academic Master’s Degree Include: There are two most common degrees that are Mater of Science which is ... Full story

USA Graduate Study

All those students that obtained bachelor’s degree can easily continue their education with the help of Doctorate degree program which is PhD or with the help of Master’s degree programs. Usually the graduate programs in the USA are actually specialized programs and are intense then the undergraduate programs. Actually the graduate programs in the USA always assume that students should know the basic elements of ... Full story
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