Malakand, University of Malakand has started the admission process for the MA, MSc and M.Com classes. The candidates can get the admission forms from the National Bank, University of Malakand branch, on the payment of Rs.1100. If the candidates download the admission forms from the website of the university, then they will have to complete the admission forms and send it to the University with ...
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University of Malakand has started admissions for the programs of BS (4 year), LLB and Pharm-D. Admissions in Pharm-D program are available in the disciplines of IT, software engineering, gelogy, physics, botany and others.
The candidates can submit admission forms till 29th August 2016 while merit list will be displayed on 5th September 2016. Admission fee can be submitted till 6th September 2016 while regular classes ...
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University of Malakand has announced the form submission schedule for BBA annual exams 2016. According to the university, the students can submit forms without late fee till 22nd June 2016 while 29th June 2016 is the last date to submit forms with double fee. Registration fee is Rs. 1000 and fee for each practical is Rs. 250. The students have to submit three colored photographs ...
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