Top 10 Most Expensive Degrees in World
- Thursday, December 10, 2015, 8:39
- University
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Film Studies : Wesleyan University is situated in Middletown (Connecticut). This university offers degrees in several arts subjects. The university was founded by Methodist Church in 1831. The university offers the bachelor degree in Film Studies which costs $218,000 and included among the top expensive degrees in the world. Though expensive, but it will help you to produce films ranked at the top of box office.
Biochemistry: Bucknell University is located in Pennsylvania and founded in 1846. It is known as one of the best private liberal arts college in USA as it offers 50 major and 60 minor subjects. In order to get its degree of biochemistry, you will have to spend around $219,000 which makes it 9th position in the list of most expensive degrees.
Music /Technology: Connecticut College is a private liberal arts college that was founded in 1911 in New London (Connecticut). Its most costly and expensive degree is ‘music and technology’ which costs almost 219,950 due to which it will be placed at 8th spot in our list.
Media Studies: Number 7th on our list is the degree of Media Studies at Vassar College. Media Studies is the most expensive degree among the 50 major degrees offered by the university and it costs $223,525. Vessar College was established in 1861 as a women’s college but later men were also allowed to study there.
Music: Bard College was established in 1860 in New York by Episcopalian Church and this college is famous due to its beautiful buildings. The university offers degrees in many programs including music degree. Its most expensive degree is music degree which costs $271,375 and placed at 6th spot in the list.
Master in Liberal Arts: St. John’s College was built in 1696 in Annapolis (Maryland) while among several of its degrees its most famous degree is of the Master of Liberal Arts. The cost of this program is $308,392 while one has to be lucky to get admission in this degree which is placed at number 5 in the list.
Law and Public Policy: Trinity College was founded in 1823 in Hartford (Connecticut) while it remained boys’ college for more than 100 years. The college enrolls 2300 students per year while it offers 36 major and 26 minor subjects. Its most famous degree is degree in Law & Public Policy which will cost $308,490 and is at 4th spot in the list.
MBA to Columbia University was founded in 1774 and known as one of the oldest universities. Most of the courses in this university are very costly while its’ most expensive degree is MBA which costs $317,030. Due to this reason, this degree is placed at 3rd spot in our list.
History and Law: Vanderbilt University was established by South Methodist Church in 1873 while it is located in Nashville (Tennessee). In order to complete law degree from this famous university, you will have to pay $375,650 which makes it 2nd among the most expenses degrees in the world.
The degree of History & Law from Sarah Lawrence College is the most expensive degree of world. Sarah Lawrence College was founded in 1926 in Bronxville (New York). It is a fortune to get admission in this college while the cost of History & Law degree from this college is $402,000.
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