Top International Universities Free online courses in Pakistan
- Saturday, October 12, 2013, 6:43
- University
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Dr. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, the former chairman of the Higher Education Commission claimed that Pakistan is all set to offer top-quality online education to Pakistani students through an integrated online platform that will unify all sorts of online courses from top of the line universities around the world.
All these courses on the platform (yet to be named) are supposed to be free and with a search capability (students could search their desired courses).
Platform is almost developed and will be launched with-in next two months by Hussain Ebrahim Jamal (HEJ) Institute of Chemistry and will offer best available free online courses like Coursera, MIT open, courseware, Khan Academy, Udacity, Virtual university of Pakistan and courses from countless other universities around the world.
With a notable growth rate, Pakistan has over 30 million internet users and this number will boost many folds with the emergence of 3G services.
With such high internet penetration, free online courses – are set to play an important role in education system of Pakistan. Especially, with lack of trained faculty in Pakistan, that is a big hurdle in educating the masses.
Pakistan will be the only country to have brought together the great wealth of educational material from around the world on one single platform, according to Dr Rahman.
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