UHS Lahore MCAT Test Result 2015
- Saturday, September 5, 2015, 7:02
- Results
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University of Health Sciences has announced the results of entry test for admissions in government medical and dental colleges in Punjab while the test was held on 30th August 2015. Noor Ahmed (R.N. 240) of Lahore stood 1st with 1076/ 1100 marks, M Hussain (r.n. 13726) of Lahore remained 2nd with 1065/ 1100 marks while Samabia Javed (r.n. 402094) of Faisalabad took 3rd position with 1059/ 1100 marks.
There were total 46885 candidates in the test. 19823 students took 60% or more marks, 6891 students took 50% to 59% marks, 40% to 49% marks are achieved by 6496 students while 14221 candidates took less than 40% marks. The first merit list for admission in government medical colleges will be displayed on 30th October 2015 while the first merit list for admission in govt. dental colleges will be released on 10th December 2015.
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