UMT Holds Seminar on Introduction of Urdu as Official Language
- Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 11:45
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Lahore, The Department of English Language and Literature, University of Management and Technology Lahore organized a seminar of topic of ‘Urdu as Official Language in Pakistan, Challenges, Implications and Prospects. Supreme Court of Pakistan recently issued an order for the introduction of the language, Urdu as the official language of Pakistan under the provision of article 251 of the Constitution of Pakistan and this seminar is conducted in this respect.
The Vice Chancellor of University of Management and Technology addresses with the seminar and said that the importance of English cannot be ignored in the modern era and the secret of success of the well-developed countries lies in their own social norms and adoption of their own national language. They adopt their language and also adopt the mode of teaching in their national language. He further added that they could get step forward and they can adopt the national language as the official language of the country, which can be great means of teaching and research.
There are various other speakers like Dr Maria Maldonado Garcia (Asst Prof and Director of External Links at University of the Punjab), Dr Sabiha Mansoor (former VC of Lahore College for Women University and social scientist) and Prof Dr Abdul Hameed (Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities) also addressed with the seminar. Large number of local people and students of the UMT Lahore were also present in this seminar. The speakers stressed upon the importance of Urdu language and it can also be promoted as the national language of Pakistan. The government should make the policy to create the harmony and agreement among all sects of the country and adopt all means for the promotion of the national language in the government and private offices & give the education in the maternal language to the students.
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