Un-healthy food for Children in School Lunch Break
- Saturday, August 13, 2016, 8:22
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The British experts have directed the parents to give the wholesome food products to the children in their lunch. The parents should avoid giving the unhealthy food items in their lunch. According to the research reports on health prepared by the British experts, the parents, who give unhealthy food products to the children in their lunch like snacks, bakery products, sandwiches, and sweet beverages, they can tell upon the health of the children and they can also do not show good performance in their classes.
According to the experts, these food items can create irritation and lethargy among the students. The parents should give special attention on the health of the children and they should give healthy foods like vegetables, fruits and items made from milk. So that not only their health can be good but also they can show performance in the class.
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