- Thursday, November 6, 2014, 6:36
- News, Results, University
Bahauddin Zakariya University has announced the results of LLB part 3 (annual system) 2nd annual examination 2013 and first annual examination 2013 special. According to
results, total 780 candidates participated in the exams out of which 519 passed and 261 failed while the passing percentage remained 66.54%. The results are available at
Check online BZU Multan University LLB part ...
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Islamia University of Bahawalpur has announced annual exams 2014 date sheet of M.com part 1 and 2 on October 27, 2014. According to IUB M.com annual exams 2014 schedule this exams of M.com part 1 will start on 17 November and part 2 exams will on 20th November 2014. Now all the students of IUB M.com can download part 1 and ...
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Islamia University Bahawalpur LLB part 1, 2 and 3 annual exams 2014 will start on 2nd December 2014 instead of 11 November 2014 due to some reasonable problems. Now IUB will conduct LLB annual exams 2014 of all three parts 1, 2 and 3 from Tuesday December 2, 2014. You will be able to see your IUB LLB
date ...
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Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad is going to start the final exams of
Matric, Inter, bachelor programs including BS for the spring semester 2014. The final semester exams of AIOU regarding Matric, FA/FSc, BA/BSc will be started from November 10. The roll number slips will be issued to the students and they will have to bring the two ...
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- Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 9:17
- Admissions, News, University
University of Karachi announced the new date for the admission test of the Department of Visual Studies. The director of
admission has announced the new date for the admission test, which was previously announced to be held on 26 October and now this admission test of Department of Visual Studies will be conducted on 09 November on Sunday. The students ...
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- Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 9:07
- Date Sheet, University
Baha Uddin Zakariya University Multan is going to receive the
admission forms for the annual exams of B.Com Part 1 and 2 for the year 2013. The candidates can send their admission forms with regular fee till 10 Nov. BZU Multan has also fixed the exams fee of Rs.3500 and the students will deposit the fee of the candidates with ...
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- Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 8:10
- Admissions, News, University
Karachi, Controller of Exams,
University of Karachi is going to start the annual exams of BA and B.Com for the year 2014. Karachi University will also conduct the exams in BA. B.Com (Private), BOL and improvement of division. The candidates can submit their admission forms to appear in the annual exams of BA, B.Com, till the last date of 12 November 2014. The ...
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- Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 7:14
- News, Results, University
Azad Jammu & Kashmir University has announced the results of BA/BSC annual exams 2014. In BSC, Tanzeela Khaleeq d/o M Khaleeq took first position with 700 marks, Sana Safeer d/o Safeer Iqbal took 2nd while Ghulam Murtaza s/o Nazeer Qureshi took 3rd position. In BA exams, Shumaiza Mumtaz d/o Mumtaz Ali took 1st, Taiba Arooj d/o Abdul Hameed took 2nd and Taiba Mushtaq ...
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- Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 6:51
- Date Sheet, News, University
University of Karachi is going to start the
BSc (Pass) first and second year chemistry supply practical exams for the year 2013. Karachi University will conduct the practical exams from 10 November and the students will have to attend the exams in the Chemistry Department at 09:30 am. The candidates reach in the concerned department at fixed time. The result ...
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Bahauddin Zakariya University has issued the
admission notice 2014 for Distance Education programs in MA/MSC, M.Ed/B.Ed, LLB and B.Com/M.Com. 14th November 2014 is the last date to submit admission forms (online or manual) for these programs. Eligibility is 2nd division graduation in relevant subjects. Details are available at
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