- Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 9:25
- Admissions, University
University of Sindh is going to start
admission process in the disciplines like B.Ed, M.Ed and MA Education in the morning and evening sessions in the Faculty of Education. University of Sindh will grant admissions in the B.Ed and M.Ed (1 year), MA Education (2 years) in morning and evening session, B.Ed (Inners) Elementary (4 years program), MPhil and PhD. The candidates, who ...
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Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan is going to start the
admission process in the Distance Education Spring 2014. The candidates can check the detail of the subjects, in which admissions will be granted to the candidates for the distance learning.
BZU Multan has issued complete schedule for grant of admissions in these disciplines and BZU will issue ...
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- Saturday, December 28, 2013, 9:47
- Admissions, AJK University
Azad Jammu and Kashmir University has issued the complete and comprehensive schedule for grant of
admission in different sessions of Master degree programs. The University auth has fixed the final date for the admission in the M.Ed, MSc, B.Ed, LLB, MA, MSc and M.Com programs is 21st January 2014.
According to the details of the admission, ...
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- Saturday, December 28, 2013, 5:25
- Results, University
UHS has declared the result of Third Professional BDS annual examination 2013. Results are given at official website of UHS Lahore.
From 10 affiliated colleges, 465 candidates participated in the exam and 346 of them were declared pass, 115 remain unsuccessful and the percentage remains 75.05%. First three positions are taken by;
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- Monday, December 23, 2013, 11:12
- Admissions, University
Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women Nawabshad is going to start the
admission process in the BS Nursing for 2014 session. The candidates can send their admission forms in the admin office of the PUMHS Nawabshah for admission latest by the 3 January 2014. The PUMHS Nawabshah has also conducted the entry test assigned by the ...
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Allama Iqbal Open University is the first distant learning
university, which has played the pivotal role in spreading quality of education to the students living in far off places of the country. Now
AIOU has started the
admission process in the MS, MPhil and PhD programs for 2014, which is being conducted till 31 ...
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- Monday, December 23, 2013, 11:01
- Admissions, University
Rawalpindi, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi is going to start the
admission process in the different programs for the session 2014. The eligible and interested candidates can send their application forms for admission latest by 21 January 2014. The candidates should hurry in sending the application forms to avoid any problem at the later stage.
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- Monday, December 23, 2013, 10:59
- Admissions, University
Faisalabad, National University of Modern Languages Faisalabad started
admission process in the Faisalabad campus for 2014 in the postgraduate, undergraduate, diploma courses, functional courses and certificate courses. The eligible candidates can send their application forms for grant of admission in all these disciplines latest by 10th January 2014. The candidates should hurry up to send their admission forms as the application ...
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Baha Uddin Zakariya University Multan has announced the
admissions in the MBA Executive (evening classes) in the Institute of Management and Sciences. For the candidates, who want to get admission in the MBA classes,
BZU Multan has set the
NTS test, which is pre-requisite for grant of admission in the MBA classes. The candidates ...
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Multan, The exams department of
Baha Uddin Zakariya University Multan has announced the
MA Islamiat Part 1 annual exams result 2012. According to the detail of the result, total 4990 candidates appeared in the exams in which 3394 candidates were passed and remaining 1595 candidates were failed. The percentage of the passing candidates remained 68.02 percent. There were ...
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