

Karachi University Increase Semester Fee of Morning Courses

Karachi, University of Karachi has formulated a committee to look into the matter regarding renovation of donor seats and increase in semester fees of morning courses. The committee is headed by the Vice Chancellor, Karachi University Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qaisar and comprised of other members including Dr. Akhtar Baloch, Dr. Zafar Iqbal and Shahid Majeed Ullah Qadri which will decide the increase in 15 seats ... Full story

Karachi University Introduces Chinese Book

Karachi, the Chinese book launching ceremony was held in the main campus of the University On October 12, 2012. The ceremony was chaired by the Vice Chancellor of Karachi University Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qaisar. The Chinese book has been written by Syed Hassan Javed who is presently High Commissioner of Pakistan in Singapore. The Chinese book written a an ex-student of Karachi University, Syed Hassan ... Full story

Karachi University Celebrates Award Ceremony

Karachi, First International day for girl was celebrated on October 11, 2012 and various ceremonies were held at different places. The ceremony for International day for girls was also celebrated in Karachi University in which Easy Steps Story Contest was held. The contestants were asked to describe that how the development in technology brought revolution in their lives. Faisal Sabzwari, Minister for Labour and Manpower ... Full story

Punjab University B.Com. Part-I & II, 2nd Annual Examination, 2012

It is hereby notified that the following Commerce Examinations shall commence according to the Schedule given here under:- Sr. No. Name of Examination Date of Commencement 1. B.Com. Part-I, 2nd Annual Examination, 2012. 28-11-2012. 2. B.Com. Part-II, 2nd Annual Examination, 2012. 29-11-2012.  Full story

Punjab University Associate Degree in Education (ADE)

It is hereby notified that the following Associate Degree in Education (ADE) examinations shall commence according to the following programme:- Name of Examination Date of Commencement Associate Degree in Education, 2nd Semester Examination, 2012 (Session 2011-2014) 06-11-2012 Associate Degree in Education, 4th Semester Examination, 2012 (Session 2010-2013) 07-11-2012... Full story

Exhibition of Space Articles in IT University

Quetta, University of Information Technology Quetta is celebrating World Space Week in which they arranged an exhibition containing the space concerned articles for the interest of the students and people. The exhibition has been arranged with the collaboration of Sparko. Various students put their models respecting the space in the exhibition. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai inaugurated the exhibition and said that with ... Full story

Hajvery University Organizes Orientation Ceremony 2012

Lahore, Hajvery University Lahore granted admission to the new students in different disciplines in their University. To make the newly admitted students familiar with the environment of the University, the University administration organized an orientation ceremony 2012 in their main campus on Monday. In this orientation ceremony the students got admission in Computer Sciences, Commerce, Engineering, Business Management, Textile Design, Pharmacy, Media and Fashion Design ... Full story

AIOU Organizes Performance Awards 2012

Islamabad, Allama Iqbal Open University was established with the objective provide education to the students living in far off areas of the country. For this purpose the University set up its main campus and then various other regional campuses spreading in all over the country to provide education facilities not only in Pakistan but also in Middle East. The University is striving hard to give ... Full story

UoP Extends Dates of Admission and Exams

Peshawar, the employees of the Peshawar University protested against the government to fulfill their promises for grant of 20 percent increase in their salaries. Due to protest the working of admission and exams process was also disturbed and various students could not submit their admission forms and examination forms in time. Now the university administration has announced new date for submission of admission forms for grant ... Full story

250 Students of Air University Become Peace Ambassador

Islamabad, To feel the necessity of grooming love with the homeland, about 250 students of Air University has decided to become peace ambassador. The movement named “Shabash Pakistan” has been organized by the School of Leadership to conduct their second session of the campaign. This movement will contact with the undergraduate and graduate students to bring awareness about the patriotism and Pakistaniyat among the young ... Full story
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